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Showing posts from July, 2020

How to Reduce Segregation in Concrete?

In this article, we will be discussing segregation, factors causing it, and different methods to avoid it . So, now the question arises what is segregation? The segregation of concrete is the failure of newly mixed concrete. Segregation is a term when the particles which are present in concrete, cement, sand, and their aggregates get separated from each other during handling and placement. It is usually caused by excessive vibration of cement In concrete technology , segregation is of three types:- Separation of Coarse aggregate from the concrete mixture, Separation of Cement paste from the concrete during the plastic stage Separation of water from the concrete mix (Which is also called as Bleeding in concrete) Some other factors causing segregation in concrete are: Transporting concrete mixtures for long distances. The poorly proportioned mixture, where the adequate matrix is not there to tie up the aggregates. Dropping concrete from more than 1m high can cause segregation. Vibratin...

How to Sterilize Medical Personal Protection Equipment?

Medical devices sterilization validation is a basic requirement for intrusive sterile medical products such as reusable surgical implants as well as implants. There are several methods of sterilization, and among them, the most commonly used methods are irradiation, heat, radiation, steam, and also ethylene oxide. Predetermined protocols are followed and there is a lot of focus on disinfection while following the procedures of proper sterilization.   All the bacteria, microbes such as bacteria or any other disease-causing microorganisms are removed or destroyed when the proper medical device sterilization methods are used. The method chosen for sterilizing will depend on the type of material with which the device has been made, the classification of the device, the availability of each sterilization method , and also the number of potential microorganisms that are involved.   Before sterilizing any instrument or device, it has to be cleaned properly. All the dirt, oi...

The Advantages and Disadvantages Of Non- Destructive Testing

What Is Non-destructive Testing?  Non-destructive testing (NDT) also known as ‘positive testing’. As its name implies, non-destructive testing means testing of materials without destroying them. It is a kind of a testing approach in which the testing is performed to cover only the positive cases to confirm that the software behaves properly and returns the expected results as per the product requirement. It is one of the best courses to do if you want to get a high profile job in abroad or India in oil & gas, petroleum, aircraft, refinery, etc. It is commonly used in the area of aerospace engineering, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, system engineering, and medicines. EXAMPLES OF DESTRUCTIVE TEST: Tensile test Compression test Shear test Hardness test Impact test Fatigue test Bending test Creep test Torsion test Chemical test, etc.   IMPORTANCE OD NDT: Save both time and money in product evaluation...