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Showing posts from July, 2021

What is Food Shelf Life Testing?

Food Shelf Life refers to the product of physical, chemical, and microbiological processes, which are triggered by any of these contributing factors. The product's characteristics, including the quality and consistency of the ingredients, moisture content, and acidity levels, play an important role as external factors such as storage, packaging materials, and transportation of the products. Certain complex factors contribute to the shelf life of food, which is tailor-made by the professionals according to the composition of the products, storage, and packaging.  Food Shelf-Life Testing helps you in defining accurate dates for your products by ensuring that the quality remains acceptable and safe for the consumers. Some of the tests undertaking by the professionals and food testing lab specialists include:  Food-borne microorganisms such as Listeria, Salmonella, E.Coli, Campylobacter, yeasts and molds, Staphylococcus Aureus, Bacillus Cereus, Lactic Acid Bacteria Total viable ...

Why do you need to know that what is thermal conductivity testing?

What is thermal conductivity testing? Thermal conductivity testing is a process of making the element/product exhibit properties of transferring heat through its body, products that are able to transfer heat quickly through them are called good conductors of heat and the ones that are not able to pass heat through their bodies are called poor conductors of heat. Thermal conductivity testing is necessary for measuring the heat receptivity of appliances to ascertain the range of heat insulation, conduction, and transfer abilities acquired by the product. This thermal conductivity is comprised of several factors such as the material, density of the product, and other factors such as pressure, temperature, etc. These tests can help in minimizing chances of shocks, current leakages, and short circuits that can sometimes become lethal to the consumer's well-being, standardisations are also provided by International organizations such as the ISO that require mandatory testing for shock r...